joy [joi] noun
1. the emotion of great delight
or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation:
2. a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly
valued or appreciated
3. the expression or display of glad feeling;
festive gaiety.
4. a state of happiness or
I played a game of hide and seek this week. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Come out come out wherever you are. In this life game, I was seeking and continue
to seek joy. Here is a list of places
that I have found joy peeking her head out in my life as I have actively been
noticing where she was. Here are spaces
small and large that caused great delight.
They are exceptionally good and satisfying, both in grandiosity and in
ordinariness. I thought joy was
hiding—but she was actually very close.
I found joy in awareness.
In the slowing down and noticing...
Joy was found in the gentle wake up with my morning coffee
warming my
hands and my insides, easing me into a new day.
Joy peeked at me as I gave myself time to read an entire
time that happens with summer beginnings.
I found joy in the act of writing…of taking a blank page and
feelings and images when I thought nothing was there.
I found joy in the celebration with others. In the bonds that make life rich...
Joy jumped out and grabbed me as I watched my daughter,
trying on wedding dresses as she
prepares to don a marriage.
I peeked at joy as I played cards with family,
with strategy and sharing laughter.
Joy whispered in my ear as I listened to my son and welcomed
him home,
sharing a
hug through the unknown.
I found joy in work.
In the use of my mental capacity to make the world a better place...
Joy was found in the completion of a long procrastinated
off my
plate finally—the lightness of relief that followed.
Joy peeked through with year-end closures—another school year
of what next year will hold.
I noticed joy in the planning and sketching of maps and
use of
analysis to make concrete, to build into the future.
I found joy in the giving and receiving to and from
Joy was found as I led a workshop on leadership at a time
when I felt
depleted only to find a reserve from within.
Joy found me in an unexpected gift from a friend and the
sometimes we give by allowing another to give.
Joy peeked out as I was there for a friend as he was
for his generosity to others.
In the noticing joy was found. Tag—“You are it,” I called to joy as I caught
glimpses of her in my weekly meanderings.
“I didn’t realize you were so close.”
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” she continues to call, her turn
to find me. Guess what, I won’t be hard
to find. And I am glad she wasn’t as
hard to find as I thought she might be.
Has joy found you today?
Where have you found joy?