Saturday, March 28, 2015

To Change the World...One Word at a Time

The writer changes the world.
Observing the world of others,
she seeks to understand.
Offering her world to others
she seeks to be understood.

She listens to
the cackle of birds
   outside her window at dawn.
conversation between lovers
the silence of wind on water—
seeking understanding
in the ripple roar of the sound.

She views
the majesty of a morning sunrise
   waking earth in dappled splendor,
garbage strewn along the roadside,
the sheepish smile of a stranger—
seeking understanding
in the snapshot of images.

She feels
the wake-up heat of spring sun
   after a blustery, never-ending winter,
the embrace of a just-because hug from a child,
the stretch of muscle on water as she swims—
seeking understanding
in the sensations of touch.

She writes all she takes in from the world
and breathes new life in the ordinary,
She writes all she takes in from the world
molding meaning in the meaningless.
She holds the word closely
   as the word changes her—
offering the word on page to others,
she changes the world.

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for dedicating space and time for teachers and teachers of literacy to come together to share ideas, practice and life experience.


  1. This poem speaks to me. I especially loved your word choice in this stanza. She listens to
    the cackle of birds
    outside her window at dawn.
    conversation between lovers
    the silence of wind on water—
    seeking understanding
    in the ripple roar of the sound.

    The Silence of wind on water amplifies for me the last lines in the stanza "seeking understanding in ripple roar of the sound."

    I love the imagery that it conjures in my mind.

  2. I love your poetic lyrics. You accurately describes what a great writer does. I love the imagery in your writing.

  3. A writer "breathes new life in the ordinary" really speaks to me. A writer does change the world one word at a time. Think about how kindness becomes the theme when Wonder is read. Powerful thoughts in a beautiful poem.

  4. The world changes when a writer writes and changes again when the words are read.
    All of your thoughts are so true and written in such a lovely way. Thank you!

  5. These are the words that I will hold close today: "She writes all she takes in from the world
    and breathes new life in the ordinary."

  6. This poem encapsulates the writing life. The senses are foremost in your words. Intense reflection on what occurs within the writer and around them.
    'She holds the word closely
    as the word changes her—
    offering the word on page to others,
    she changes the world.'
    The close of your poem pays homage to the power of words. What a fitting ending.
    What a great read on a Sunday morning in far away Australia. Thanks Deb for launching the day of a fellow writer in such a meaningful way.

    1. I love thinking about my poem being read far away in Australia beginning your day. Nice picture in my mind.

  7. This stanza wows me:

    She listens to
    the cackle of birds
    outside her window at dawn.
    conversation between lovers
    the silence of wind on water—
    seeking understanding
    in the ripple roar of the sound.

    As I was reading I thought that I do this with my camera, with a paintbrush and now and then with words. Thank you. This inspires me.
